I baked my very first pie crust last spring. I know. Can you believe it? I don't know why it took me so long to get my nerve up to do it. And now that I have, I am so pissed off at myself for not doing it sooner! Hello? Homemade pie crust is YUMMY!!! Nothing holds a candle to it. N.O.T.H.I.N.G.
We went to the farmer's market yesterday here in our little country town. Our 11-year-old nephew, Truman, spent the night with us Friday night. After we filled ourselves to bursting with pancakes yesterday, we three toddled off to the market. Everything is so yummy and pretty and yummy right now!! And the berries. (SWOON!) The berries. Spec.tac.u.lar. We bought a couple baskets of these blackberries, and my friends, they are monstrous! And sweet. And gushy. And yummy. Did I say yummy? Yum.my.
So, I made a pie crust, and said, "Berries, get in that crust!"
Look how rich and dark they are. All fruity goodness. Seriously, nearly black blackberries. Juicy, juicy, berry, goodness.
So. Not the prettiest crust, but can I tell you how wonderful my house smells right now?! I can hardly wait for it to cool off enough to taste!!
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