There are two sizes: a cute little button, and a large economy size button. You can simply download the button, or you can grab the code.
Snag code below for small Quilt Haiti blog button:
<a href="http://tammygilleystudios.typepad.com/tammy_gilley_studios/2010/02/quilt-haiti.html"><img src="https://tammygilleystudios.typepad.com/quilt_haiti_150.jpg" alt="quilt haiti" width="150" height="225" border="0"></a>
Snag code below for large Quilt Haiti blog button:
<a href="http://tammygilleystudios.typepad.com/tammy_gilley_studios/2010/02/quilt-haiti.html"><img src="https://tammygilleystudios.typepad.com/quilt_haiti_175.jpg" alt="quilt haiti" width="175" height="263" border="0"></a>
I'm no technical genius (however, I have many other gifts!). So, please consult your blog host if you're unsure how to post the button on your blog. Thanks!
Thanks so much for helping to share the quiltie love! The response so far has been awesome! And it's not too late to get involved...send quilts now, our operators are standing by.
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